
Mere information

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Buying photos

If you wish to buy photos displayed on the Biopix web site, you are kindly requested to contact the photographer. We do not sell photos directly from the Biopix web site any more, it is unfortunately too time consuming and costly.
You can find the individual photographers contact email after adding photos to a Lightbox, in the table at the Lightbox page.

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.023.861.903

Portlandmosen Isfugl (Alcedo atthis) Almindelig netbladhat (Paxillus involutus) Buskhoved (Chirolophis ascanii) Europæisk Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) Havørn (Haliaeetus albicilla) Grågrøn skovcikade (Thamnotettix confinis) Rødrygget tornskade (Lanius collurio)

BioPix - naturfotos/billeder